Cedesktop Exe Wince 6 0

Project Introduction

  • MyAutoUpdater.WinCE is an auto updater program which is based on WinCE 6.0+ and .NET Framework Compact 2.0+,developed on Visual Studio 2008,designed for WinCE PDA devices,depending on .NET Framework Compact 2.0+, and used for auto updating for applications on WinCE PDA devices.
  • MyAutoUpdater.WinCE is a serverless and independent client program which is called by third party applications via process calling with command line args and it's non-intrusive to third party applications.
  • MyAutoUpdater.WinCE uses preformatted XML file to store updating parameters.

Using a special hack, we can gain access to the Microsoft WinCE 5 desktop and run ARM compiled utilities.

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Command Line Parameters

  • The way to run MyAutoUpdater.WinCE is that you could call process with 5 command line parameters;
  • 1st MainExeName:third party application's name for displaying in the winforms of MyAutoUpdater;
  • 2nd CurVersion:third party application's current version number(like for comparing with its latest version number to determine upgrading or not;
  • 3rd UpdaterUrl:third party application's xml file url(only for HTTP) storing updating params for called by MyAutoUpdater (XML's format follows below);
  • 4th MainExePath:third party application's main executable file path for auto running after dealed;
  • 5th Silent:if upgrading silent or not(Optional Value:true/false);
  • Code by C# follows:
  • MyAutoUpdater.WinCE is suitable to called in the init stage of third party application and the third party application should exit after calling.

XML Format

  • XML format like below:
  • version:third party application's latest version number;
  • url:hird party application's packing file URL(only for HTTP) ending with .zip or .cab;
  • changelog:url of changelog file(not implemented);
  • mandatory:if necessary to upgrade(not implemented);
  • MyAutoUpdater will unpack it and cover old files if .zip suffix and install it if .cab suffix.
Hello all !, please allow me to start by saying I am brand spanking new to this forum (just registered), to China GPS tablets running embedded windows ce etc. basically an all around noob. I can work with PC desktop etc but am having trouble when it comes to this newly purchased Chinese no name good navigator tablet I just got that is running on an embedded windows ce 6.0. I am trying to install exe files and or cab files to the device and having no luck at all. Have searched and read all that I could find on the Web about how to go about making this happen. Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated.
So far I have downloaded a couple of .cab files that I'd like to install onto my device as well as wceload.exe, CeRegEditor and also paired the device with my laptop and mobile center and dropped the wceload.exe into a folder in the residentflash drive on the device. Dropped the .cab files in other folders and still can't get them to work.
My device info is below:
7' screen 800x480 MTK3351 cpu
1.57 ghz 128mb dd2
4GB flash
FM transmitter
System Info
Rom : V.108C.211100.120214.128M
System ID : 0018e420-09000000-00000000-00000001
If there is anyone who can wall me trough this process in full detail I'd really appreciate it because something is missing in the info I've gotten so far. Even came across trying write a .reg file for wceload that which I'm a noob at but copy pasted the written info into a registry then renamed it wceload.reg and still nothing. I did at least get to change the boot/load screen from the Chinese toon lady to my own image thanks to this forum !.. But I need help gets my exe, cab, programs, software, apps etc installed onto the device !.
I need a step by step walk through !, where you start from beginning to end and where if the basic step presented doesn't work providing a for sure way to make it work. whether it be having to write a registry or whatever the case. Full detail on how to correctly write that Yehudi for the ce 6 device etc.
Thank you very much in advance !!!
And I apologize if a complete walk through of this exist elsewhere.