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Manual Flywheel 12' Blade Slicer

Meat Slicers Food Slicer Butcher Bacon flatbed flywheel type Avery Berkel.

Deko Berkel 800S Omega Derek Wright Omas Vector Scharfen Superkut slicing machines. From Economy to Premium From Semi-Auto to Fully Automatic.
There is a model here to choose from for your requirements.


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12 inch manual flywheel slicer this compact machine built from aluminium and stainless steel is functional, elegant and easy to clean. Made to cut all types of cold meat, the machine has its own built in sharpener.

12' Blade Slicer
Manual Flywheel

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A top quality 12 inch blade comes in a standard traditional red, manufactured in Italy
One year warranty.

Our Internet Price
Only £2,050 +vat

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