Getamped Getamped 2 Tw Setup

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Hey guys!
I really think it's possible to get a GetAmped2 private server working! I could be completely wrong, but please bear with me; I want you to get on board with me on this, haha.

If you aren't familiar, GetAmped2 is that fighting MMO: GetAmped2
I've spent quite a lot of time on that game, especially using Cheat Engine and the like..and anyway this game is extremely moddable (there's no hackshield! LOL) Over the past year or two, I have amassed a list of weapon/accessory/clothing IDs, but most of the hacks such as changing your weapon have been patched.
So I turned to the files themselves. There are 8 archived .kxr files (very similar to MapleStory's .WZ files) which I got someone to figure out how to unpack and repack:
1.kxr - Contains model and texture data for weapons (which they call accessories in this game), icon images for items and whatever else, and ScriptModelData which I have found out are files that have each accessory's and fighting style's damage info, hit properites, animations to play, etc.
2.kxr - Contains model and texture data for all the clothing/skin items in the game.
3.kxr - Contains stage data (so models and textures for the stages) as well as their respective ScriptModelData whereby you can modify the properties of the stage and even the models that compose that stage.
4.kxr - Contains all sounds in the game, and UI info the EDITORS that the developers used to make their files! (Like the icons and UI panels for the ScriptModel Editor and whatnot, lol!)
5.kxr - Contains UI images for the game itself and some animated UI files, for example:
[spoiler]The logo that appears when you click on the Tournament mode
gs.kxr - Contains all the text info in the game, so things like accessory/weapon names, clothing names, text tooltips, etc.! Sort of the String.wz of MapleStory.
fs.kxr - Contains info on a few shop items, although shops are managed by the database as we ALL KNOW, haha, so this is a little useless.
Anyway, I haven't yet mentioned the most important class in getting a server to work. For OdinMS, those guys had to recode the whole game from scratch, but GetAmped2 literally embeds their class files inside this file:
It's ridiculous! I looked inside, and all the .class files are there. I viewed them with a decompiler, and I saw code not simply relating to the game but source code for the editors/tools with which the developers used to make the ScriptModel files! (Hence editing the properties of items, etc.) Indeed, I have already modded some items with a hex editor and then repacking the archive, and it works on the client side, but imagine if we had our own server. Custom content abound.
Here's a screenshot of me looking at the decompiled class files inside classes.kxr:
So, the only thing we seem to be missing is some sort of Main method to execute this code! It's all there, right in front of us.
As you can see, I've done quite a bit of research on this game but I'm at an impasse, so I'm sharing it with you now in the hopes that someone with actual knowledge on this can make some amazing progress.
If you guys would like to help me out or take a stab at this for fun, here is the link to the client:
And here is the link to the .bms file which by using QuickBMS you can extract the .kxr files:
If you just want to take a look at the extracted .class files directly, I've uploaded them for you here:
And finally, I just used JD-GUI (Java Decompiler) to view them but I'm sure you could use whatever.
So is it really possible?
And thanks for reading this!
Please post below if you have any thoughts, questions, etc.
I've figured out how to run GetAmped2's proprietary tools, but I need 3 files located on the server for them to fully launch (they crash on startup).
The files I need are game.conf, fluid.conf, and localize.conf!
Hey guys!
I really think it's possible to get a GetAmped2 private server working! I could be completely wrong, but please bear with me; I want you to get on board with me on this, haha.

If you aren't familiar, GetAmped2 is that fighting MMO: GetAmped2
I've spent quite a lot of time on that game, especially using Cheat Engine and the like..and anyway this game is extremely moddable (there's no hackshield! LOL) Over the past year or two, I have amassed a list of weapon/accessory/clothing IDs, but most of the hacks such as changing your weapon have been patched.
So I turned to the files themselves. There are 8 archived .kxr files (very similar to MapleStory's .WZ files) which I got someone to figure out how to unpack and repack:
1.kxr - Contains model and texture data for weapons (which they call accessories in this game), icon images for items and whatever else, and ScriptModelData which I have found out are files that have each accessory's and fighting style's damage info, hit properites, animations to play, etc.
2.kxr - Contains model and texture data for all the clothing/skin items in the game.
3.kxr - Contains stage data (so models and textures for the stages) as well as their respective ScriptModelData whereby you can modify the properties of the stage and even the models that compose that stage.
4.kxr - Contains all sounds in the game, and UI info the EDITORS that the developers used to make their files! (Like the icons and UI panels for the ScriptModel Editor and whatnot, lol!)
5.kxr - Contains UI images for the game itself and some animated UI files, for example:
[spoiler]The logo that appears when you click on the Tournament mode
gs.kxr - Contains all the text info in the game, so things like accessory/weapon names, clothing names, text tooltips, etc.! Sort of the String.wz of MapleStory.
fs.kxr - Contains info on a few shop items, although shops are managed by the database as we ALL KNOW, haha, so this is a little useless.
Anyway, I haven't yet mentioned the most important class in getting a server to work. For OdinMS, those guys had to recode the whole game from scratch, but GetAmped2 literally embeds their class files inside this file:
It's ridiculous! I looked inside, and all the .class files are there. I viewed them with a decompiler, and I saw code not simply relating to the game but source code for the editors/tools with which the developers used to make the ScriptModel files! (Hence editing the properties of items, etc.) Indeed, I have already modded some items with a hex editor and then repacking the archive, and it works on the client side, but imagine if we had our own server. Custom content abound.
Getamped Getamped 2 Tw SetupHere's a screenshot of me looking at the decompiled class files inside classes.kxr:
So, the only thing we seem to be missing is some sort of Main method to execute this code! It's all there, right in front of us.
As you can see, I've done quite a bit of research on this game but I'm at an impasse, so I'm sharing it with you now in the hopes that someone with actual knowledge on this can make some amazing progress.
If you guys would like to help me out or take a stab at this for fun, here is the link to the client:
And here is the link to the .bms file which by using QuickBMS you can extract the .kxr files:
If you just want to take a look at the extracted .class files directly, I've uploaded them for you here:
And finally, I just used JD-GUI (Java Decompiler) to view them but I'm sure you could use whatever.
So is it really possible?
And thanks for reading this!
Please post below if you have any thoughts, questions, etc.
I've figured out how to run GetAmped2's proprietary tools, but I need 3 files located on the server for them to fully launch (they crash on startup).
The files I need are game.conf, fluid.conf, and localize.conf!